Project Policies
Project policies are similar to Safety Policy Files, but take precedence over policy files in cases where a codebase has been onboarded as a Safety Project.
Creating a Project Policy
To create a policy for a project, visit and complete these steps:
Select your project.
Click Project Settings.
Click Policies.
Select your policy and click Edit.
Build your policy using the guided policy builder, or alternatively click Advanced Configuration to build your policy using JSON.
Click Save.
Migrating your Safety Policy File to a Project Policy
We plan to introduce a feature that will automatically detect a local policy file during project creation and replicate this in the Project Policy. Until then, please follow these instructions.
To migrate a local policy file to a Project Policy, visit and complete these steps:
Click Project Settings.
Click Policies.
Select your policy and click Edit.
Scroll down and click Advanced Configuration.
Copy the contents of your local policy file.
Paste the policy file contents into the advanced configuration.
Click Update Policy.
Modifying your Default Organization Policy
All Organizations in Safety Platform are initialized with a default Project Policy. When a new project is created, this organization policy is applied. You can modify your default organization policy by visiting and following these steps:
From the top navigation items, click Organization.
From the left-hand navigation, click Policies.
Select your policy and click Edit.
Build your policy using the guided policy builder, or alternatively click Advanced Configuration to build your policy using JSON.
Click Save.
Note that updated organization policies will not apply retrospectively to existing project policies, but instead will apply to any newly created projects.
Last updated
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