Output Options and Recommendations

Safety can output the result of a vulnerability scan to a variety of different output formats.

The default output is screen output, which prints the scan to the command line screen.

Use the --output argument to configure which output format Safety generates. The --output command line argument can be set to the following values: screen, json, html, spdx, spdx@2.2, spdx@2.3, none.

Screen and text output

--output screen (default) will print the results to the screen

Results can be easily saved to a text file. For example:

safety scan --output screen > results.txt

If --detailed-output is specified along with --output json then CVE details will be included in the output. In order to filter the json output to only 1 top-level key, the --filter option can be specified. For example:

safety scan --detailed-output --output json --filter cve_details

Other options that can be chosen to filter are: meta, scan_results

Additional Output Options

Full details on each output option can be found here:

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