System-Wide Developer Machine Scanning

Shift Left: Protection at Every Stage of Development

Performing scans in single project repositories or in CI/CD and Production is insufficient to provide true end-to-end security. Safety CLI 3 allows developers to detect all Python installations and vulnerabilities in their environment by performing system-wide scans of development machines.

Once Safety CLI is installed and you have authenticated, we follow a similar process to the normal directory-specific safety scan.

In your terminal, run the following command:

safety system-scan 

Running safety system-scan will:

  • Scan your entire development machine for Python package files, requirements files and Python virtual environments, indexing all the packages found.

  • Conduct a security analysis of these packages against known security vulnerabilities and malicious package lists.

  • Identify known vulnerabilities in these packages, including their location and version.

  • Provide fix recommendations.

Once complete, your terminal will show a summary of the vulnerable packages that were found and recommended actions.

If the safety system-scan command is not found, or your safety version is less than 3.0, you need to install Safety version 3 before continuing below.

Last updated